
In this lab, you created some new Measure tables to store your calculations and organised
your fields and tables. You gained knowledge of Power BI DAX Formatting tips which will go
a line way to establishing good habits to increase the maintainability and readability of your
Shortcuts in the Power BI Measures Editor provides a quick and convenient way to navigate
and edit measures efficiently. When the Measures Editor is open, you can utilise powerful
keyboard shortcuts for different actions. You can to Shift + ? to see your shortcut commands
and some common shortcuts in the Measures Editor include:

  • Ctrl+Space: Displays an IntelliSense-like list of available functions and measures,
    helping users quickly select and insert the desired functions.
  • Ctrl+Shift+F: Formats the measure expression, improving readability and
  • Ctrl+] or Ctrl+[: Matches parentheses or brackets, assisting with maintaining balanced
  • Ctrl+Shift+/: Comments out the selected portion of the measure expression, allowing
    users to temporarily exclude or explain specific sections.
  • Ctrl+Shift+L: Lists all the measures in the current table, providing an overview and
    easy navigation between measures.
  • Tab: Indents the selected line or block of code, aiding in visually organising the
    measure expression.
  • Shift+Tab: Removes the indentation from the selected line or block of code, adjusting
    the formatting as needed.
    These shortcuts save time and enhance productivity by reducing the need to manually type
    out functions, improving code readability, and simplifying navigation within the Measures
    Editor. There are actually a lot of shortcuts in Power BI Desktop that not only apply to the
    Measures Editor but a lot of other places like when on a visual and more – see for a comprehensive list of all shortcuts.
    By becoming familiar with these shortcuts and incorporating them into their workflow, users
    can streamline measure creation and modification, boosting efficiency and effectiveness in
    their Power BI development tasks